Lockdown Portraits
Portraits paintings created during 2020-22 lockdown of peers, friends and family via my request for them to take a selfie of them in lockdown with a statement of their current feelings. I then attempted to both honor those feelings but also bring out my memory of them into the selfie to portrait transformation – from a time I was with them – sometime s1 year before sometimes 20 years apart. In this chaotic time – it was also a source of gifting to those that needed a lift – via a back and forth of them sending me a hand made phot of themselves and statement and in return, I could gift them a new portrait of themselves where some aspect of them came through.
This is a work in progress, meant to be shown where each portrait is next to their statements ( audio and written) intermixed with virtual portraits of my AI sourced imaged people, that given my dynamic creation process represented my nightly psyche through lockdown. The goal would be a space that represents all of us as that time – through the work on the walls and a conglomerate AI generated poem created from the gestalt of all the statements.