Transformation – Lamborghini commission
Steve DiPaola, as a pioneering computational and AI artist, was specifically commissioned by supercar company Lamborghini to produce an artwork to commemorate their upcoming 60th anniversary. Lamborghini has a long standing history of commissioning fine artists both for their museum but also to support modern art at events like Art Basil. DiPaola’s work entitled “Transformation” in both it’s interactive and multi-still forms toured through many venues with the Lamborghini 60th anniversary celebrations and the unveiling of their first hybrid car AI (see videos). It then was sent on to the Lamborghini museum in Italy to their permanent collection.
The interactive version allowed viewers to use hand gestures to move through DiPaola’s neo-cubist inspired work. While the work for the permanent collection was 6 arranged digital paintings printed on aluminum.
DiPaola has been working in AI and computational art for decades and writes his own code and models – making sure that his work is ethical and original, for instance his systems do not use copyrighted material like commercial based AI visual system. For this piece, Lamborghini allowed him to do his own photo shoot of their car as source material for his very dynamic and multi pass processes with his own code to create an original piece. With “Transformation” DiPaola who often depicts nature in his work, drew upon the notion of movement ( the hand gesture system) that allows historically humans to get to nature via their cars – in this case as the abstract form of a car transforms into mountains ( ie the Canadian Rockies – the Italian Alps).
“Transformation” arranged stills and interactive pieces prominently displayed next to their hybrid car unveiling at one of many 60th anniversary celebration Lamborghini events. Here at the Vancouver Aquarium event.
Viewer using hand gestures to interact with the artwork at one of the events.
Aluminum Prints: signed, 2 of 2 – 1 set of 6 stayed in Canada for touring exhibit, 1 set went to Italy ( for Lamborghini museum collection and possible exhibits in Europe).